An idealist believes that the short run doesn't count. A cynic believes the long run doesn't matter. A realist believes that what is done or undone in the short run determines the long run.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Quotes of the Week
"You won't see how to do it until you see yourself doing it!"
"You often need to make it up in your mind before you can make it happen in you life."
"I have always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific."
"You often need to make it up in your mind before you can make it happen in you life."
"I have always wanted to be somebody. I should have been more specific."
----------------------------------- Favorite Quotes -----------------------------------
"An idea is only as valuable as its ability to solve a problem."
"Ideas are precious, yes...but not in and of themselves. They don't live in a vacuum. They become precious only when they successfully answer a specific need: otherwise they're just scribbles."
"A competitive environment demands a more captivating message."
"A fascinating message, like a fascinating person, steps outside the norms."
----------------------------------- Book Summary -----------------------------------
FASCINATE is a compelling journey into method and madness of persuasion. The concept is that whether you are pitching a new client, inviting a friend to lunch, luring a cranky toddler to sleep, or marketing a product, you are using triggers to elicit a certain response. Sally has narrowed these down to 7 (power, trust, mystique, prestige, vice, alarm and lust) and the book demonstrates and explains how dialing these triggers up and down can help you more effectively influence your relationships.
The book is divided into three parts. The first part uses lots of dare I say it ... fascinating examples ... of how fascination factors into key world events and even human development. It's a page-turner. The second part of the book reads more like your typical marketing book and won't be all that revolutionary to seasoned advertisers. But it does frame up basic motivators in a memorable way. The key take away from this section is that we are part of a fascination economy where companies and individuals that are fascinating or can make someone else feel fascinating as a result of their relationship with them will win. That's a concise bit of advice that can serve marketers, sales people, and anyone trying to persuade very well.
The third part of the book is probably my favorite. My number one pet peeve about business books is that they always promise to tell you how to be more successful but they never actually give you a formula for doing it. Sally gives her readers a clear plan for becoming more fascinating. I've already cracked the book open once this week when a concept we were planning to pitch to a client was falling just a little bit flat. I have a feeling I'll be doing that again and again.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Wayne Cordeiro, the pastor of of New Hope Fellowship in Hawaii wrote an amazing book I finished a few weeks ago called, Divine Mentor. (More will be posted on this book later in an expanded review.) However, I wanted to share a powerful plan for daily growth and growth that I have been doing for the past several months that has been life-changing for me.
I have taught through the years that it's not how you mark your Bible...but how your Bible marks you. I have also said that it's not staring up the steps that is is stepping up the stairs! This book is not just casting vision for devotions and marking up your gives you some practical steps to dynamic life changing devotions that will mark you for life.
The Divine Mentor promotes personal interaction in the Word of God. This book is an introduction to the importance for devotions and a tool called the SOAP Journal. It is a systematic way to read through the Bible and record what God says to you personally.
S - SCRIPTURE: What Scripture or Scriptures stood out to you?
O - OBSERVATION: What stood out to you in the passage?
A - APPLICATION: What does the passage mean to you and what are you going to do about it?
P - PRAYER: Talk to God about what you learned.
I would recommend this book and the SOAP Journal for new and experienced believers! Here is a quick description of soap journals that Heidi & I have designed for the students in her youth ministry. Click here to download: SOAP JOURNAL | DOWNLOAD

I have taught through the years that it's not how you mark your Bible...but how your Bible marks you. I have also said that it's not staring up the steps that is is stepping up the stairs! This book is not just casting vision for devotions and marking up your gives you some practical steps to dynamic life changing devotions that will mark you for life.
The Divine Mentor promotes personal interaction in the Word of God. This book is an introduction to the importance for devotions and a tool called the SOAP Journal. It is a systematic way to read through the Bible and record what God says to you personally.
S - SCRIPTURE: What Scripture or Scriptures stood out to you?
O - OBSERVATION: What stood out to you in the passage?
A - APPLICATION: What does the passage mean to you and what are you going to do about it?
P - PRAYER: Talk to God about what you learned.
I would recommend this book and the SOAP Journal for new and experienced believers! Here is a quick description of soap journals that Heidi & I have designed for the students in her youth ministry. Click here to download: SOAP JOURNAL | DOWNLOAD

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Fred Factor | Freducation!
----------------------------------- Favorite Quotes -----------------------------------
"The Fact is that everybody is already making a difference every day. The key question is, What kind of difference is each of us making?"
"The things you do, both small and large, cumulatively create a lifestyle that becomes apparent to anybody paying attention. It is that kind of example that most influences others."
When you don't see much meaning in what you do, you won't bring much value to what you do."
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.'"
Martin Luther King, Jr.
"There are no unimportant jobs, just people who feel unimportant doing their jobs."
----------------------------------- Book Summary -----------------------------------
This short book focuses on a mailman Mark Sanborn met, a man named Fred. When the author first met Fred, Fred took an effort to get to know his new customer, and find ways to do a better job as a mailman. This book about the value of doing a better job, how to build relationships, and why we should take initiative. In short by going the extra mile we'll have a better life, and others will benefit.
It is a good book, and a short book. It is well written. The book is entertaining and at the same time makes many good points.
The first of four sections covers how the author met Fred the mailman, and how very quickly the author realized that Fred was a superstar mail carrier. The basics of what a "Fred" is are explored, and then the author mentions sightings of other "Freds."
The second section explains how you can become a Fred. Basically you need to build relationships with others so you know them well enough to then be able to be create, take initiative and make a difference.
The third section gives pointers on how you can help others grow into being Freds. The basic steps are to:
1) Find - how do you recognize a Fred
2) Reward - how should Freds be rewarded
3) Educate - how help people improve their Fredness
4) Demonstrate - model the correct behavior
The final section recounts the value and importance of being a Fred.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Love, the new killer app!

I just finished a great read that a friend of mine encouraged me to read. It was a quick read...and a very enjoyable one I might add!
The premise of the book is that love (in business) is made up of three things. He calls it the business "trinity". These three elements being:
- Knowledge
- Networks (connecting people with people) I have always believed that we need to network because "nets" work!
- Compassion!
I have, for my own sake defined them as the three "N's" of winning people and influencing friends. (k)Nowledge | Networks | Needs... Tim explains that in the past longevity meant advancement in business, however in our new economy it is not longevity but knowledge that gives you the ability to advance in business or in life.
I loved how he discusses beginning to invest in your future by currently investing in your knowledge base. We must read. I have always believed and "preached" that God gave us two to sit on and one to think with...all the success in the world depends on which end you use. 'Head's you Win....Tails you LOOSE!" Just a thought!
I would recommend this book to those who want to develop a habit of investing in your future!
I loved how he discusses beginning to invest in your future by currently investing in your knowledge base. We must read. I have always believed and "preached" that God gave us two to sit on and one to think with...all the success in the world depends on which end you use. 'Head's you Win....Tails you LOOSE!" Just a thought!
I would recommend this book to those who want to develop a habit of investing in your future!
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