Saturday, August 21, 2010


Wayne Cordeiro, the pastor of of New Hope Fellowship in Hawaii wrote an amazing book I finished a few weeks ago called, Divine Mentor.  (More will be posted on this book later in an expanded review.)  However, I wanted to share a powerful plan for daily growth and growth that I have been doing for the past several months that has been life-changing for me.

I have taught through the years that it's not how you mark your Bible...but how your Bible marks you.  I have also said that it's not staring up the steps that is is stepping up the stairs!  This book is not just casting vision for devotions and marking up your gives you some practical steps to dynamic life changing devotions that will mark you for life.

The Divine Mentor promotes personal interaction in the Word of God. This book is an introduction to the importance for devotions and a tool called the SOAP Journal. It is a systematic way to read through the Bible and record what God says to you personally.

S - SCRIPTURE: What Scripture or Scriptures stood out to you?
What stood out to you in the passage?
A - APPLICATION: What does the passage mean to you and what are you going to do about it?
P - PRAYER: Talk to God about what you learned. 

I would recommend this book and the SOAP Journal for new and experienced believers!   Here is a quick description of soap journals that Heidi & I have designed for the students in her youth ministry.  Click here to download:  SOAP JOURNAL | DOWNLOAD

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is awesome mark! Thanks!