Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6 Altitudes of Life

As I have lived life (as if I'm an expert...LOL...4 kids and a minivan later) there are times that I feel like I'm thriving and walking in my destiny...and there are times when I feel like I'm surviving.  The difference is not the circumstances of life alone.  I have thought hard about this and have come to realize it has a lot more to do with attitude than anything else.

Back in College I read one of John Maxwell's first books, "The Winning Attitude" where John mentions that our Attitude determines our Altitude.  Thinking about that I want to give you what I think are the 6 Altitudes of Life...

6 Altitudes of Life

50,000+ feet: Life
• 40,000+ feet: three to five year vision
• 30,000+ feet: one to two year goals
• 20,000+ feet: areas of responsibility
• 10,000+ feet: current projects
Runway: current actions BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop 

As we approach life we must understand that we can't just live on the runway of life.  Just managing to survive the current "rat race".  (If we win in the rat race of life...does that make us a rat?)  We need to find times to climb "out of the rat race" to the summit and look around to make sure our runway is facing in the right direction for our life goals.  If we have the runway facing the right direction...we need to "see" our current projects as a means to fulfilling our responsibilities.  This should help us fulfill our one and two year goals and feed our three to five year vision!  It's all about the altitude and attitude of what we are currently doing!

Just a thought!

1 comment:

lindseymunson said...

Mark, this is good stuff! I really needed some encouragement and direction today. God is good!